ANSWER: No. All card play during attacks is OPTIONAL. Step 1 of the attack procedure (rulebook page 6) should read, "1. Offensive team MAY play any attacker only (sword only icon) cards.
QUESTION: How do I get my Worker and Warrior Bees out of their starting spaces if they are not allowed to travel in their own nest?
ANSWER: The starting spaces are HIVE spaces, not NEST spaces. Therefore, those bees are free to move about freely. The only nest spaces on the board are the Queen's Nest spaces (see rulebook page 3). Worker bees and Warrior bees cannot travel in their own Queen's Nest space - but they can travel freely in their own HIVE spaces.
QUESTION: Can I attack a trench space if I am attacking from a space containing both Worker and Warrior bees?
ANSWER: No. Since Warrior Bees cannot go into the trenches, they are not allowed to attack the trench spaces. You can only attack into a trench space with Worker bees and the Queen Bee. (See Important Note on rulebook page 3.)
QUESTION: If I lose my Queen Bee, do my cards go to the person who defeated my queen?
ANSWER: No, you will continue playing the game as usual, only playing your cards when it’s your battle/turn unless you have an ANYTIME card (blue banners). You will play for the benefit of your new Queen Bee and can converse about strategies with that player but your bees cannot share spaces with FORCED ALLIANCE bees and you cannot give them your cards. (See rulebook page 7, under FORCED ALLIANCE.)
QUESTION: Can I play the "Secret Passage" card after being attacked?
ANSWER: Yes! An anytime card, such as "Secret Passage", can be played. anytime. So, as long as you haven't conceded defeat, the battle continues on and you can still play battle or anytime cards. If you play the "Secret Passage" card, the Queen Bee is no longer in her space and the attacking team is effectively attacking an empty nest. No Battle Rewards are given as no winner or loser is declared for that battle.