Guam teaching certification requirements

Visit our website at & read Public Law 31-50. All requirements are contained in the law.

Q: What are the kinds of certificates issued by GCEC?

Certificates for Teachers

Certificates for Chamorro Language and Culture Teachers

Certificates for Preschool Teachers

Certificates for Career and Technical Education Teaching Certificate

Certificates for Reading Specialists

Certificates for School Administrators

Endorsements for School Librarians

Certificates for School Counselors

Q: Do I qualify for a teaching certificate?

Q: What do I need to renew my certificate?

Applicants are required to complete the following:

a) Submit a completed Request for Certification Form;

b) Submit a sealed official transcript showing required credits and/or documentation of professional activities;

c) Submit evidence of SATISFACTORY performance (current evaluation);

d) Copy of current Guam Professional certificate;

e) Payment of applicable fee.

Please visit our website, and read Public law 31-50, listed under the "Public Law" tab.

Q: Are "student copy" transcripts acceptable?

"Student copy" transcripts are not acceptable. Copies of transcripts are not acceptable. GCEC only accepts sealed official transcripts by the issuing college / university registrar and this shall be the basis for determining the educational qualifications for an applicant for certification.

Q: Why do I have to submit official copies of my University of Guam transcript? Isn't GCEC a part of the University of Guam?

Although our office is located on the University of Guam campus, we are only renting this space from the University of Guam. The Guam Commission for Educator Certification is a separate Government of Guam agency. Transcripts must be provided by the applicant, and must be sealed in its original envelope unbroken and official.

Q: Can GCEC make copies of all my official documents?

NO. We are unable to make copies of any documents for personal use.

Q: Where can I get a copy of my certificate?

Note: Copies of DOE certificates are maintained in the educator's Human Resources file and/or school site file.

Q: What measures are taken to verify my documents?

GCEC verifies your information and the validity of teacher licenses / certificates acquired within the United States.

Graduates of foreign colleges / universities must obtain a course-by-course evaluation of their degree by an approved foreign educational credential evaluation service. (

Q: Can GCEC assist me with getting a government job or a teaching position? Can you place me with a particular a school? What is the starting salary at GDOE?

GCEC's role is limited to education certification.

Q: How much are the fees and the length of the certificates?

Temporary$10$10$102 years
Initial Educator$15$15NONE3 years
Professional Educator$25$25$255 years
Master Educator$50$50$5010 years
Temporary Chamorro$10$10$102 years
Basic Educator Chamorro$10$10$102 years
Initial Educator Chamorro$15$15NONE3 years
Basic Educator Preschool$15$15$153 years
Temporary CTE$10$10$102 years
Basic Educator CTE$15$15$153 years
Professional Educator CTE$25$25$255 years
Reading Specialist$25$25$255 years
Initial Administrator$15$15NONE3 years
Professional Administrator$25$25$255 years
Master Administrator$50$50$5010 years
Temporary Library Endorsement$10$10$102 years
Professional Endorsement$25$25$25Term of Teaching Certificate
Temporary Counselor$10$10NONE2 years
Initial Counselor$15$15NONE3 years
Professional Counselor$25$25$255 years
Master Counselor$50$50$5010 years
Replacement $10

*Additional Out of State Fee $25

Q: Can I get a refund of my application fee because my application was denied?

NO. Every evaluation requires a non refundable application fee. We strongly suggest that applicants become familiar with the certification requirements before submitting an application for evaluation.

Q: How long does it take for GCEC to process and issue my certificate?

Normal processing time takes 2-3 weeks. Applicants are called when their certificate is ready for pick up, or if their application has been denied. If denied, applicant may resubmit new and updated information, which may be subject to an additional application fee.

Q: What standardized tests are needed?

New teachers (except Chamorro teachers) must have:

Q: I have a Chamorro Educator certificate. Do I have to take the Praxis?

NO. GCEC does not require Chamorro teachers to take Praxis I. However, if you are pursuing a teacher educator preparation program at the University of Guam, then Praxis I and II (PLT) Principles of Learning and Teaching is a graduation requirement.

Q: Can graduates of schools outside the United States get certification?

Graduates of foreign teaching institutions must obtain a course-by-course evaluation of their degree by an approved foreign educational credential evaluation service. (

Q: I have a valid U.S. teaching certificate from another jurisdiction. What must I do to teach on Guam?

Individuals coming to Guam holding a valid out-of-state license may qualify for a 3 year Initial Educator Certificate with comparable endorsement areas provided such license:

a)Is issued by a state that has signed the NASDTEC Inter-State Agreement;

b)Is a full credential without deficiencies;

c)Holders education preparation program meets Guam requirements/standards, or

d)Holds national certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).

Please submit a completed application form, sealed official college / university transcript(s) and appropriate fees.

During the 3 year validity period of your Initial Educator certificate, you are required to complete a one (1) year mentorship and take a college / university level course in Guam History or Guam culture.

Q: Why do I have to take Guam History or a Guam culture class before I can become a Guam Professional Educator?

These classes will assist you to become a more effective teacher on Guam because of your deeper understanding and appreciation of the local culture. Other jurisdictions have similar requirements relating to completion of a state history course.

Q: What can be used to fulfill my "Professional Activities"?

Professional Activities may include coaching, advising a student group, attending a conference. Professional Activities must match the personal goals you established with your immediate supervisor. You can download the Professional Activities form from the "Documents" tab in

Q: How many credits are CEU's worth?

For Continuing Education Units (CEU's) to be counted for recertification, they must be acquired from a program that belongs to the Council on the Continuing Education Unit (Currently the International Association of Continuing Education and Training- IACET):

Note: One (1) CEU is equivalent to ten (10) contact hours.

Q: My certificate has not been renewed for over five years. Can I renew my certificate under my original requirements?

No. Any certificate that has not been renewed and has lapsed for more than five (5) years, regardless of certificate held, will be renewed in accordance with Public Law 31-50. Passing Praxis I is needed for a Temporary Educator Certificate and passing Praxis I & II (PLT) Principles of Learning and Teaching is required to secure an Initial Educator Certificate.

Q: Can I use my Guam teaching certificate to teach in another state?

While Guam is a part of the NASDTEC interstate agreement, many states may have unique requirements for teacher certification. Educators wishing to teach in another state should contact the state licensing office for the latest requirements.

Q: Can I renew my teaching certificate with an UNSATISFACTORY performance evaluation?

NO. A satisfactory evaluation is required to renew your certificate.

Q: I currently hold a Guam Professional II certificate expiring in 2013. What must I do to renew my certificate? How does PL 31-50 affect my Professional II certificate?

All Professional II holders (regardless of whether they earned a Master's degree before or after the Professional II certificate was issued and those with Master's equivalency) need 6 semester credit hours or 90 clock hours of professional activities that was earned within the certification period and a current satisfactory performance evaluation to renew their certificates. The new law changes Professional II holders to Master Educators which is valid for 10 years.

However, the new law requires Professional II holders with a Master's equivalency to earn a Master's during the 10 year period (the length of the Master Education certification). Without a Master's degree, their certificates will be changed to Professional Educator upon renewal.

Q: My certificate expires a month after I return from military deployment. I am not sure if I can fulfill the requirements to renew my certificate. How will this affect my teacher salary/pay?

GCEC will grant a one-time extension up to one year for teachers who are assigned for military deployment with proof of DD-214 verifying dates of service preventing renewal of certification.

GCEC does not provide information on teacher salary or pay.

Q: My certificate expired on Aug. 15, 2011 and I have not applied for renewal. What happens to my certification? Can I still teach?

Your teaching certificate expires on the expiration date. It is your responsibility to provide and fulfill all requirements for renewal during your certification period.

GCEC cannot answer employment related questions.

Q: Can my documents be mailed to me?

Applicants who wish to have their documents mailed, must provide adequate postage and packaging. We are not responsible for items returned to us in the mail and can not provide postage or packaging. Official certificates my be altered or affected by nature of mail handling. We are not responsible for this. Replacements for certificates cost $10.00 each.